Northern Reflections: Neo-Liberalism: The Undying Monster

                                       Neo-Liberalism came to Canada long before Stephen Harper came to Ottawa. It was ushered into public policy by Brian Mulroney, who privatised crown corporations like Air Canada and Petro Canada. Jean Chretien and Paul Martin contributed to its juggernaut by signing NAFTA and by introducing fiscal restraint. But

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Northern Reflections: That Grievance Mentality

                                  Barack Obama delivered his State of the Union address this week. Here are a few highlights: We still need laws that strengthen rather than weaken unions.” “We still need … a higher minimum wage.” “Free community college is possible.” “Let’s set our sights higher than a single oil

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Northern Reflections: Tearing Away At the Nation’s Core

                                            The Harper government is busy preparing new anti-terror legislation. But, Colin Kenny writes in today’s Toronto Star, we don’t need new legislation, we need adequate funding of the institutions which apply the laws we already have: No less than eight pieces of anti-terrorism legislation have successfully passed through

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Northern Reflections: The Rooster’s Mistake

                                          Since coming to office, Alan Freeman writes, Stephen Harper has had an incredible run of good luck: The Liberals had bequeathed the Tories a sound fiscal situation and a string of surpluses, so much so that in its early years, the Harperites could cut taxes and still boost

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Northern Reflections: What He Says They Mean

                                    Watching the Harper government serve up a pre-election budget has become a drama in the Theatre of the Absurd. That’s because — as Tim Harper wrote last week in the Toronto Star — for Stephen Harper, politics trumps math: The new Conservative math is political math. There’s another

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Northern Reflections: To The Showers

                                      An election is in the offing. And Stephen Harper has come to the plate swinging. But, Michael Harris writes, he already has three strikes against him. Strike One is his record on the environment: They have greedily championed oil and gas while doing nothing to

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Northern Reflections: Counting On Oil

Falling oil prices should stimulate the world’s faltering economy. But they won’t do the Harper government a lot of good. That’s because the Harperites have nailed their political flag to eliminating the deficit. And that has become more difficult than they anticipated. Scott Clark and Peter DeVries write: In other

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