Team Ford’s malignancy: It’s not just the Jarvis bike lanes | #TOpoli #bikeTO

By now so much has been written and blogged and tweeted about yesterday’s clusterfuck at Toronto Council that there’s no point in rehashing it. Go read Matt Elliott’s summary at Ford For Toronto if you want a recap.

For Christ’s sakes. This isn’t just about the lack of any coherent policy justification, or the Machiavellian political . . . → Read More: Team Ford’s malignancy: It’s not just the Jarvis bike lanes | #TOpoli #bikeTO

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Core Services Review: Rob Ford is a hazard to Toronto’s public health | #TOpoli

I’m sorry, I had to give my head a shake.


Look, we’ve all seen the passage in Dr. Strangelove where General Ripper talks about what an insidious Communist plot it is, but the thing is, that’s not just satire. Fluoridation of our drinking water has been a touchstone for conspiracy-minded whackjobs since the 1950s, but . . . → Read More: Core Services Review: Rob Ford is a hazard to Toronto’s public health | #TOpoli

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