Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: Far Right Losing Collective Mind Over Islamic Party of Ontario Attempt To Register As An Official Party

Imagine that a political party has emerged which condemns secularism and the separation of church and state, promotes the recriminalization of homosexuality, strong censorship of what it deems to be blasphemous, adherence to strict gender rolls, and which advocates the for their religious views to become the law of the

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Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: Mohamad Fakih and Paramount Fine Foods v. Ron Banerjee: A Play In Five Acts

Kevin Johnston and Ron Banerjee: “Hallmarks of Hate” — (((Anti-Racist Canada))) (@ARCCollective) June 23, 2018 This guy has been spewing racist hate for a long time. Now he’s finally been forced to apologize. — North99 (@wearenorth99) December 17, 2018 Ron Banerjee, anti-Muslim agitator, last year: ppl have

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Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: Far-right Canadian Yellow Vest Reactionaries – Promoters of Violence and Conspiracy Theories, Already At Each Others’ Throats

As they did last week when they unoriginally co-opted the French Yellow Vest protests (Mouvement des gilets jaunes), the far-right reactionaries organized another Saturday of protests in a number of Canadian cities. In most cases the numbers were down significantly from the previous Saturday (and even then outside Ottawa, Calgary,

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