On Wrestling, Politics and Other Musings of the Mind's Eye: On Republican Senatorial hopeful Todd Akin’s Medical Knowledge

Apparently Todd Akin, the Republican Senatorial candidate from the great state of Missouri, knows something of the magic of the female body that no scientist or doctor has ever figured out…the body magically shuts down and kicks out unwanted sperm when a woman is “legitimately raped”…therefore there is no need for the government

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On Wrestling, Politics and Other Musings of the Mind's Eye: An online campaign for workers’ Rights: Light the flame for workers’ human rights

I belong to an organizartion called Labour Start, an organization that takes action to try to expose/prevent/correct horrible situations for workers the world over. The particular situation I want to address today involves workers in Sri Lanka and China that made pins, clothing and other merchandise for London 2012. Some

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