earthgauge: Harper government scraps 3,000 environmental reviews on pipelines and other projects

Mike De Souza continues his great work for Postmedia exposing the environmental assaults of the Harper government. Harper government scraps 3,000 environmental reviews on pipelines and other projects | The Harper government’s budget legislation has forced the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency to cancel nearly 3,000 screenings into potential environmental

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earthgauge: Earthgauge Radio August 2, 2012: The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline (encore edition)

Download: earthgaugeradio-podcast-aug2-2012-northerngateway.mp3 On Earthgauge Radio this week, we continue with our ‘best of’ summer series with a program originally broadcast back in January on an issue that only continues to grow in importance: the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline. I have 3 interviews on today’s ‘encore’ show: Emma Gilchrist, Communications

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