Politics and its Discontents: Who Needs Reparations?

According to the ‘new’ history to be taught in Florida, it may be African Americans who owe white America reparations, given the ‘benefits’ that slavery conferred upon them. Sound ludicrous? Not in Ron DeSantis’s world. Florida’s public schools will now teach students that some Black people benefited from slavery because it taught

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Politics and its Discontents: See No Evil

  The evil would be the visibility of homeless people. The ‘solution‘ that had been sought by Barrie City Council was an odious bylaw that would have outlawed individuals giving food, drink and other succour for those living on the streets. Essentially, it was a “don’t feed the wildlife” approach,

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Politics and its Discontents: Adding Fuel

In the debased species known as humanity, it perhaps is not surprising that the very wildfires consuming us have become fuel for yet more deranged people and their ‘theories’. Here are two of my favourite examples of  our ongoing slide into social, political and spiritual senescence: The embers of one

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