Sandra in iPolitics

I get asked, often, what Sandra’s like – truthfully, she is exactly who she presents herself to be, which is sometimes a rarity in politics. Not only smart, savvy and charismatic, she’s also compassionate and kind. She always asks about my kids and in the next breath, after a warm

Continue reading The New Year

For the second year in a row, we’re bringing in the New Year in my hometown of Vancouver. It’s been quite a year. Here’s hoping for a quieter 2013. I’m not a big resolution maker (or keeper) but here’s a few: 1. Go to the gym more. Okay, just go

Continue reading Far-right crazies

Seems one of my recent posts has offended a certain racist piece of garbage. I’m entertained by the fact that this pathetic loser – who is shunned by every media organization in the country and is effectively broke as a consequence of various libel actions – sits at her computer

Continue reading Whistleblowing

You may know from visiting my site that I have some experience with this. A bad experience, but an experience nonetheless. I’m happy that Ornge has finally put a formal whistleblowing policy in place, but the principle behind it should have been there from day one.  Under the old regime,

Continue reading This is not the answer

I’ve been listening, reading, watching to the various reactions to Friday’s tragic events – political and others. Aside from the formal gun lobby going silent, many conservatives are doing whatever they can to spin this global conversation away from (much needed) gun control. Like this Republican Congressman who thinks school

Continue reading Oink! Oink!

Now, back when the federal Liberal party controlled the Senate, if Liberals were doing this, dirty rotten Tories would’ve said they were nothing more than pigs at the trough. But now that the Red Chamber is dominated by Conservatives, I guess it’s all okay. Oh, and last month it was

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