Blevkog: Right to work… for less

As the Conservative Party of Canada skulks from Ottawa to the friendlier confines of their heartland for their party convention, right to work legislation is going to be one of the top items for discussion. At its core, right to work legislation allows workers in unionized workplaces to opt out

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Blevkog: It has begun…

I wish I believed in God so that when I say “Dear God” it carried some kind of punch. That aside: Dear God, it has begun. CBC has started it’s interminable coverage leading up to the Winter Olympics. I’m a sports fan, a big one, and when I watch TV

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Blevkog: “Toxic to my heart”

Is it just me, or does it look like Mike Duffy is enjoying himself? Not willing to easily give up his free ride on the taxpayer dollar, Mike Duffy is playing these Senate hearings up as much as possible with allegations that the CONservative Party paid his legal expenses in

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Blevkog: A (re-)Introduction

We live in interesting, but not unprecedented political times. Darth Harper, the Controller-in-Chief, has done an admiral job of keeping things quiet, but the fruits of his autocratic nature are ripening quickly. The Senate expenditure scandal exposed that he vetted his appointments about as vigorously as John McCain’s campaign committee

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