Writings of J. Todd Ring: Read This And Live (Well!)

Verbiage, verbiage… Diets, diets, BS and fads…. We live in a society where half-truths, illusions, propaganda and lies account for the overwhelming majority of information, “news”, “analysis”, and “expert” opinion. To sift through the cesspool that is modern society to find wisdom, knowledge, understanding, truth, or simple honesty, or sanity,

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Writings of J. Todd Ring: Balance

Oy. Sometimes I just want to bury my head in the sand. The state of things is terrifying and grotesque, especially if you understand what is really happening with this global corporate coup. But avoidance of reality is cowardly, irresponsible, selfish and callous, and also self-destructive. I can sympathize with

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Writings of J. Todd Ring: Connecting The Dots

Piece it together.  1. Danger exaggerated – 0.1% fatality does not warrant authoritarian measures. 2. Tests are unscientific and unreliable. 3. Numbers are proven inflated. (Though even official numbers of global fatalities show this new virus is no more dangerous than the common, annual flu.) 4. Now, even faulty, unreliable

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