Terahertz: Discriminatory engineers?

One of my undergraduate classmates linked to an article on a recent Alberta Human Rights Commission tribunal finding that Alberta’s professional association for engineers (APEGA, formerly APEGGA – which it’s referred to in the decision) discriminated against an international applicant. APEGA is already planning to appeal the decision. The 67

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Terahertz: Free Ukraine

I won’t claim to be well-enough versed to provide any deep commentary on the deteriorating situation in Ukraine. Despite a truce between protesters and the government, more violence and bloodshed has broken out on the streets of Kiev. What is interesting to contrast is the Western media coverage and response

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Terahertz: Is the Humanist brand dying?

It’s no secret that the term humanism (or secular humanism) have never really taken off. Simply ask a random sampling of people on the street and you’ll likely be met with blank stares. Now regardless of the utility of a word, I think it’s important for organizations to choose language

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Terahertz: The Coin-Change Problem

Since moving to the UK, I’ve been interested in what’s called the "coin-change problem." Simply put, it comes down to what is the best set of coins that minimizes the number of coins in my wallet. Canada currently has 5c, 10c, 25c, $1, and $2 coins (having recently eliminated the

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Terahertz: Costco “undermines Christianity”

The famed warehouse superstore, also known for raising the ire of Fox News pundits for treating it’s employees decently and generally being on the right side of history, is now upsetting conservative pundits for the following price label: Costco has Bibles for sale under the genre of FICTION Hmmmm…… pic.twitter.com/mLZVogkSfd —

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Terahertz: I say interesting things

I’ve submitted a piece to the Pod Delusion, the partner podcast of the British Humanist Association. It’s a podcast about interesting things. You can find me speaking about the Sunday Assembly and it’s success here in Leeds on their website, where they’re just giving it away (so consider subscribing)! I’ll

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Terahertz: Scientific Misogynistic

While I usually ignore and skip YouTube ads as quickly as possible, the one I just saw was too ridiculous(ly offensive) to not skip. Well, at least until “Ben” complained about how frequently he gets “friend-zoned”. What hooked me on this video was the absurd claim that “Ben” was going

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Terahertz: Woo and health charities

Charities and non-profits operate under tough conditions. There is never enough funding, staff, or expertise to achieve perfection and the demands from clients, donors, and funders often force the charity to be more flexible than it might otherwise. Because of these limitations, you can wind up with articles like “Energy-based

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Terahertz: Same old politics or revolution?

Progressives are buzzing after British comedian-turned-revolutionary Russell Brand released his revolutionary manifesto as guest editor of the latest issue of New Statesman and went on an anti-capitalist rant when interviewed by Jeremy Paxman on BBC Newsnight. The editorial is worth reading in its entirety. It wanders quite a bit but

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