DTK: Cannon fodder

Quite an uproar over the “cannon fodder” video. It involves a fictional mother of a Canadian soldier lamenting that she might not have had children if she had known that they would be used as cannon fodder. Lots of anger over that, including one nonfictional mother of a slain soldier

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DTK: Cannon fodder

Quite an uproar over the “cannon fodder” video. It involves a fictional mother of a Canadian soldier lamenting that she might not have had children if she had known that they would be used as cannon fodder. Lots of anger over that, including one nonfictional mother of a slain soldier

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DTK: Canada will be a "pimp"

Canada will be taking the role of a pimp, according to one MP. That’s because the courts have struck down anti-prostitution laws that, while not preventing prostitution, made it very dangerous. Conservative MP Joy Smith: “My goodness we would have the nation as the pimp and that’s wrong and we

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DTK: Canada will be a "pimp"

Canada will be taking the role of a pimp, according to one MP. That’s because the courts have struck down anti-prostitution laws that, while not preventing prostitution, made it very dangerous. Conservative MP Joy Smith: “My goodness we would have the nation as the pimp and that’s wrong and we

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DTK: Canada will be a "pimp"

Canada will be taking the role of a pimp, according to one MP. That’s because the courts have struck down anti-prostitution laws that, while not preventing prostitution, made it very dangerous.

Conservative MP Joy Smith:

“My goodness we would have the nation as the pimp and that’s wrong and we can’t afford that,”

Definition: pimp

a person, esp. a man, who solicits customers for a prostitute or a brothel, usually in return for a share of the earnings; pander; procurer.

I don’t think the government would be responsible for soliciting customers for prostitutes, although they might do a good job with putting up signs. That seems to be their thing, lately.

The government would be responsible, however, for doing the same things that they are currently (supposed to be) doing for other workers: protecting their rights; keeping them safe from criminals; taxing them.

On the other hand, I can’t expect much better than hyperbole from Conservatives. Their chief arguments in court seem to revolve around witnesses who pulled stuff out of their asses and the belief that prostitution was inherently “degrading and unhealthy”.

It’s a lot like being gay, I guess. I mean look at all those gay kids who get beat up and/or commit suicide. Must be an unhealthy lifestyle.

Well, Conservative super-right-wing christian freaks. You’ve had 2000 years to try to stamp out prostitution and all you’ve done is make women miserable. Maybe we’ll try something different for a little while and see how it works out.

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DTK: Transport Canada = Medieval Theologians

Canada has an addiction to rule making. Thus spake Joseph Brean, National Post libertarian dude. That’s right. Our penchant for making rules to prevent future disasters based on statistics about past disasters? That’s basically the nanny state. Aren’t we crazy. I can’t imagine what Brean would have to say about

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DTK: Transport Canada = Medieval Theologians

Canada has an addiction to rule making. Thus spake Joseph Brean, National Post libertarian dude. That’s right. Our penchant for making rules to prevent future disasters based on statistics about past disasters? That’s basically the nanny state. Aren’t we crazy. I can’t imagine what Brean would have to say about

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DTK: Catholics Oppose Gay Marriage

Big news there, I suppose. They have a website though, now. Their points, in order. Natural marriage is the foundation of a civilised society. My tendency here is to simply add the suffix [citation needed] to the text. The foundation of our society, last I checked, was freedom. Freedom of

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DTK: Catholics Oppose Gay Marriage

Big news there, I suppose. They have a website though, now. Their points, in order. Natural marriage is the foundation of a civilised society. My tendency here is to simply add the suffix [citation needed] to the text. The foundation of our society, last I checked, was freedom. Freedom of

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DTK: Liberals Flunk Economics

Or so Zogby would have you believe. They did a poll where they made statements about “basic economic” issues and saw that the left-leaning people got the answers wrong. Now, you’re probably expecting these basic statements to be something very clear and non-controversial. Something like “Inflation is the gradual increase

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DTK: Liberals Flunk Economics

Or so Zogby would have you believe. They did a poll where they made statements about “basic economic” issues and saw that the left-leaning people got the answers wrong. Now, you’re probably expecting these basic statements to be something very clear and non-controversial. Something like “Inflation is the gradual increase

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DTK: Liberals Flunk Economics

Or so Zogby would have you believe.They did a poll where they made statements about “basic economic” issues and saw that the left-leaning people got the answers wrong.Now, you’re probably expecting these basic statements to be something very clear and …

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DTK: Mike Harris’s Honorary Hypocrisy

Nippissing University, presumably out of some masochism or ignorance, has decided that Mike Harris is deserving of an honorary degree. Mike Harris. Remember him? I do. He’s the guy who wanted to “create a crisis in the education system.” Why? To improve it? No, that was the lie his government

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DTK: Mike Harris’s Honorary Hypocrisy

Nippissing University, presumably out of some masochism or ignorance, has decided that Mike Harris is deserving of an honorary degree. Mike Harris. Remember him? I do. He’s the guy who wanted to “create a crisis in the education system.” Why? To improve it? No, that was the lie his government

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