The Decarie Report: September 29: The price of our pandering to the super rich.,%20educat.aspx My home province, Ontario, has a premier who is Donald Trump’s twin brother. His name is Doug Ford. ______________________________________________________________ Our wars have pushed tens of millions – probably more – into starvation. That’s why so many flee to Europe to be tossed into primitive camps and there, quite

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The Decarie Report: Sept 24: growing up stupid ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ I grew up in a working class district. It was assumed, quite casually, that my first year classmates and I would never graduate from high school. Indeed, only one ever did. (And it wasn’r me.)The Jewish district of the time was near me It had

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The Decarie Report: Sept. 18: A horrible day Concentration camps were first developed by Spain, Britain and the U.S. about 1900. They were designed to humiliate and demoralize and, yes, to kill their prisoners. And that is still what they exist for __________________________________________________________________ These are concentration camps today. The American base at Guantanamo is a concentration

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