Parchment in the Fire: Surge in Portuguese Left Bloc Support Puts Socialist Party on the Spot | The Bullet No. 1179

Will Portugal finally see the end of austerity as administered for four years by the right-wing coalition (known as Portugal Ahead) composed of the Social-Democratic Party (PSD) and Democratic and Social Centre-People’s Party (CDS-PP)? In the country’s legislative October 4 elections this governing alliance, running for the first time as

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Parchment in the Fire: Defiant Portugal shatters the eurozone’s political complacency – Telegraph

Brussels faces a second anti-austerity revolt as the Portuguese Left tears up the script and demands the right to govern Source: Defiant Portugal shatters the eurozone’s political complacency – Telegraph The secretary-general of the Portuguese Socialist Party, Antonio Costa, appears on Saturday after the election results are made public Photo: EPA

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Parchment in the Fire: The Eurozone Crisis, Collective Bargaining, Labour Market Reform and Austerity, 2010-2015

By the summer of 2010, the financial crisis initiated by overleveraged financial institutions had been transformed into a sovereign debt crisis. This was a deliberate tactic of ‘crisis management’ by neo-liberally minded European elites to protect their financial sectors. State intervention to the tune of billions of pounds and Euros

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