Art Threat: Fatal fish farms

Salmon Confidential is a new film by Twyla Roscovich on the government cover up of what is killing BC’s wild salmon. It is absolutely shocking to see the lengths the provincial and federal governments are going to in order to not allow the dissemination of information about the role of

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Art Threat: Print your own gun

This week’s Friday Film Pick is a new 24-minute documentary produced by Motherboard and distributed by Vice Magazine, on 3D gun printing (video after jump). The film peaks into the weird and extremely controversial world of Cody Wilson and associates, young gun-loving geeks who celebrate the intersection of firearms, freedom

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Art Threat: Art Seen: The Sleepers

Who: Sergio Clavijo What: Les dormeurs / The Sleepers Where: Montreal, Quebec, as part of Art SouTerrain (a literally underground city festival of art) When: Friday, March 1, 2013 Why: The implications of this installation are more than artistic. The Sleepers is a disruption in a process of exhange. To

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