cartoon life: The Levitating Monk

Magician Dan White travels to Nepal to learn some of the magical secrets of the Mysterious East. Beautiful exotic landscapes. Folkloric story elements with people fooling each other over power, mystery, magic and  illusion. Completely unbelievable, as the narrator ironically speaks – for he is a professional magician – yet still completely delightful. Certainly you […]

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cartoon life: More tips

I stumbled on this somewhere around the fourth of August, and posted it to G+. In light of stumbling on John Baldasari’s Tips for Artists, I thought it was worthwhile reposting here: Wil Wheaton originally shared this post: This is Ira Glass talking to creative people about getting past The Gap. Every single creative person I’ve […]

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cartoon life: at 99Designs

Every so often I submit a design for a logo to various contests at 99Designs. They have this odd rule which hasn’t been satisfactorily explained. I understand why, if the competition holder wishes to keep the separate submissions private, so as not to influence other designs, so 99D keeps the designs hidden for the duration […]

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cartoon life: Blogsy experiment

So, I bought Blogsy from the app store and it turns out to be really nice. Easier to use than the WordPress app. And it seems to deal with images in posts more easily. Anyway I dragged in an image from the sidebar off of the Picasa bar. It doesn’t show here. Somewhat up with […]

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