cmkl: Achilles tendon

Apparently it is responding well to massage and ultrasound. But I did fail the “lift on one foot without pain test. Once again I can’t say enough good things about Carleton’s sports therapy clinic and Natalie Bélanger who fit me in today at the last minute. Gonna get me some

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cmkl: Nine

Almost a decade. I take a lot of photos of Mallory. And each in each one I see a child who is so grown up. It’s always been like that. One year old Mallory looked “so grown up” – no more infant eyes. All alert and vocalizing. Newly walking. Four

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cmkl: Rite of passage

I got a pound of Bridgehead coffee for Christmas. From Mallory. She slid her debit card into the reader, punched in her PIN and did it, I’m told. I knew she was up for it because the day before, she and I had gone out to the Lindt store to

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cmkl: Half marathon

I’m very pleased with myself, yes. I did the distance three or so weeks ago, but using the 10 minutes running, one minute walking training method the Running Room uses for their long slow distance runs. Today I did it straight out. And I beat my 1:40 target time. And

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