Magpie Brûlé: The Next Drip

Sunday mornings are times that I look forward to; it’s a nice time to usually take it somewhat easier, spend some time with the family and given the person who I am, usually taking in the Sunday political shows. It’s usually interesting to see everyone different takes on the week,

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Magpie Brûlé: The SNC Tapes

Late this afternoon we finally got to see the documents that Jody Wilson-Raybould submitted to the House of Commons Justice Committee in regard to the SNC/PMO Scandal. Given that the governing Liberals have made a point of keeping Wilson-Raybould from testifying again, that has left her with fewer options to

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Magpie Brûlé: Magical Recruitment

When most people think about government ministries, many well earned stereotypes come to mind. People think about long lines, fees, being passed from person to person to person, and normally a certain degree of frustration. Yes, we do get good experiences too, but those are the stereotypes. There are also

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Magpie Brûlé: Sorry, Not Sorry

Over nearly two months now, the whole SNC/PMO Scandal has had some ups and downs, and that’s understandable. With all the pressure this has put on the government and the effect it’s having on their poll numbers, it’s understandable that some people inside the caucus would start to get antsy

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Magpie Brûlé: Shut Down

This afternoon the House of Commons Justice Committee sat to reply to an emergency meeting request from the Opposition. The topic of the meeting was straight forward; calling Jody Wilson-Raybould back to the committee to testify. Given the fact that at the last meeting the Liberals shot down a motion

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