Magpie Brûlé: Let’s Talk

Today is Bell Let’s Talk day, an event that’s become annual opportunity to bring the discussion around the importance of mental health to the surface and raise funds towards mental health care. On this day a lot of people decide to talk about their experience, their suffering and how they

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Magpie Brûlé: Talking CoronaVirus, Conservative Leadership & Labour Strife in Ontario’s Education Sector with Kristy Cameron

Yesterday I had the chance to join Kristy Cameron on CFRA’s “Ottawa Now” with Katlyn Harrison and Shane MacKenzie. We talked about the reaction of various governments to the outbreak of CoronaVirus, the state of the Conservative Leadership race and continued labour strife in Ontario’s education sector (where I have

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Magpie Brûlé: Charest Out

With the return of the House of Commons from the holiday break coming next week and MPs flood back into Ottawa, life around here will return to a more normal pace. Overlaid onto the normal events in Ottawa will be the Conservative Leadership Race, the scuttlebutt around it and what

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