Skynet : Connecting the surveillance dots

So remember how the Cons withdrew their just-tabled internet surveillance bill, the Lawful Access Act, on Feb 14 and replaced it an hour and 15 minutes later with the identical but renamed Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act, a bill which mentions neither children nor predators? Coincidentally, the US Protecting

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Everybody loves a SIRCus

> In response to media reports that CSIS had been complicit in the detention of Canadian citizen Abousfian Abdelrazik in Sudan, outgoing CSIS director Jim Judd requested that CSIS watchdog and review panel, the Security Intelligence Review Committee, “investigate and report on the performance of the Service’s [CSIS’s] duties and

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G20 investigation: RCMP spies vs conspirators

> The JIG is up. An RCMP-led Joint Intelligence Group comprised of federal, provincial and municipal police infiltrated activist groups prior to the G20 and Vancouver Olympics in what they call “one of the largest domestic intelligence operations in Canadian history”. Constable Bindo Showan of the Ontario Provincial Police, one

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Our "world class" tarsands PR monitoring plan

This week saw our federal, provincial and territorial energy ministers, minus Ontario, trot out a joint communique describing the tarsands as "sustainable and responsible", even as the Cons were simultaneously slashing the federal Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency budget by 43% and its staff by…

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Seconded …

To the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court: I am writing to you as a last resort. I realize this is a very long shot, but I have no other recourse. The Canadian government has been hiding…

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