Does This Look Familiar?
Not only does the Great Grifter have a new scheme to fleece his followers, but he is doing it in a way that will appeal to their basest, most racist…
Not only does the Great Grifter have a new scheme to fleece his followers, but he is doing it in a way that will appeal to their basest, most racist…
I’m not writing much in the way of commentary these days, partly because other matters require my attention and partly because I feel almost anything I say may simply be…
It’s been 12 years since George Carlin left us, yet the ensuing years have made him even more relevant than he was in his day. The following video uses his…
That is the message, simple and direct, delivered by CNN’s Becky Anderson: Somehow, I doubt her message will resonate with the unhinged who have emerged from their lairs during the…
I recently completed The Splendid and The Vile, a book by Erik Larson exploring the first year of Winston Churchill’s prime ministership. He assumed the leadership in 1940, at which…
That would be The Star’s Patrick Corrigan: Meanwhile The Star’s editorial board offers some insights into why Canada has fared so, so much better in dealing with Covid-19 than the…
I don’t know about you, but I have always felt deeply uneasy about fervid professions of patriotism, especially the kind that Americans are given to. Their earnest hands over their…
Since the pandemic began, my wife and I have been very cautious. Because she has an underlying lung condition, we limit our exposure to outside influences as much as possible.…
Probably first coined in a 1958 novel, The Ugly American is a term that, unfortunately, has clear and immediate relevance: The US has bought up virtually all the stocks for…
But clearly, only for some: Recommend this Post
If you know anything about Old Testament traditions (and I confess to knowing only a little about them), you may be aware of the role played by the prophets. Contrary…
But apt nonetheless.H/t Theo Moudakis Recommend this Post
So says the always fearless and indefatigable Cornell West. As I watched the following, I couldn’t help but think that if one feels threatened, distressed, dismissive of or outraged by…
Each night I allow myself a half-hour dose of news from an American perspective, usually NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt. And every night I emerge from the experience immensely…
Reading Chris Hedges is never a fell-good experience. His unflinching assessments, his unsparingly bleak prognostications, offer no comfort. During the very trying times we are currently living through, why subject…
My friend Steve sent me this. Recommend this Post
Speaking at the Munich Security Conference in Germany, Vice- President Mike Pence quickly realized that things were not going as planned. The rest of the world can, I hope, rejoice…
One that needs no comment from me: Thank you Ellen Page. — Red T Raccoon (@RedTRaccoon) February 1, 2019 Recommend this Post
While the Toddller-in-Chief continues with his temper tantrum, and the American government shutdown is now in its third week, it is good to know that unpaid federal workers are not…
Not to mention a once-proud country. This is what your brain looks like on right-wing propaganda. #MAGA ? — Ryan Knight ?? (@ProudResister) December 7, 2018 Recommend this Post