The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
A Canadian documentary that starts with the CIA’s failed, lame attempt to develop LSD as a truth serum/mind-control agent. Instead, it became the catalyst for thousands of old beatniks and…
A Canadian documentary that starts with the CIA’s failed, lame attempt to develop LSD as a truth serum/mind-control agent. Instead, it became the catalyst for thousands of old beatniks and…
Uh oh. Looks like the bastards and spooks were right about one thing, after all. Chavecito DID have cancer… …and now, let’s hope his confidence is well founded, and that…
You know something? When the president of Paraguay (above, at right) says something about Chavecito, I’m much more likely to believe him than the English-language whore media. Why? Well, for…
This marks the first step in the reversal of the Honduran coup of 2009. Mel is back, and dialogue is ON, babies: Part 1 of several; keep clicking through for…