solar power

Coal Hard Truth #skpoli

“We depend too much on coal” — @MayorMandel #p2syyc; glad someone said that too— Chris Turner (@theturner) May 29, 2013 .@MMandryk IEA says we have ~3 years left (worldwide) to…

The Cost Of Solar Power

A nice chart, from here: The graph above compares the price history of solar energy to conventional energy sources. This is what a disruptive technology looks like. While conventional energy…

Tarsand Analogy

This is an unpolished analogy of Canada’s attitude toward the tarsand/climate change problem. Let’s say Canada is a person complaining about their weight (they think their carbon footprints are too…

Oiled Up

There’s a suspicious situation uncovered at the UofR, by CBC. IPAC, the CO(2) CCS project was audited, and there were apparent conflicts of interest in how some of the money…

More Power Blows

There are recent solar electricity records set in Germany, and Spain has recently seen a huge increase in wind power production. Meanwhile, SaskPower has solar power research from 13 years…

Solar Tour

On the weekend I had a fantastic tour of the Regina area, along with my parents, seeing the sights highlighted by conversions to solar energy. Solar PV, and active and…

Solar Energy Spill Alert

The billboard picture below has been making the rounds on Facebook recently. The billboard’s source is, whose mission is to bring solar energy into the mainstream. Just substitute “Canada”…

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