solar power

New Solar in Ontario

Ontario isn’t as GD senseless as Saskatchewan’s government. They actually have somewhat of a Feed In Tariff program underway. The Ontario Power Authority has just extended its solar feed-in tariff…

A Wee Design Flaw

The BrightSource Energy plant, a state-of-the-art solar plant in the Mojave Desert, works on the principal of focusing sunlight on a bunch of towers full of water until the water…

Solar Tour 2014

Cowessess wind turbine. 800kW at 32mi/h Has Li-ion batteries. Solar farm and home system of 10kW Inverter anti-islanding. Prevents electrifying the grid while grid is down. Isolation ring for the…

Oil and Tobacco

It’s worth remembering that marketers should not drive scientific research. Cigarettes are dangerous? We’d better make them appear less dangerous so they will still sell. I know, let’s filter the…

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