Socialism is Good for Capitalism!
Quotable: Arundhati Roy on the ghosts of capitalism
“Though capitalism is meant to be based on competition, those at the top of the food chain have also shown themselves to be capable of inclusiveness and solidarity. The great…
Economics for Dummies: The scariest poet in Britain?
Funny, he doesn’t look so intimidating to me: But then again, I’m not a corporate tax dodger.
Economics for Dummies: I got 99 problems, and the rich ARE one
If this is not THE song of the year, I will be severely surprised. Download it and crank it…OFTEN.
Festive Left Friday Blogging: Two million and counting!
Ahem. Make that two and a HALF million… And now, the story from Aporrea: At 10:06 this morning, and three months shy of his second anniversary on Twitter, President Hugo…
Short ‘n’ Stubby: Ms. Manx swats SOPA
What’s that meowing I hear? A cyber-kitty with a massive pet peeve…named SOPA. Whatcha got for us, Ms. Manx? First up, the Stumpy Cat would like to direct our attention…
Festive Left Friday Blogging: The kids are all right…or should I say LEFT?
Who says so? No less an authority than The Pew: Young people — the collegiate and post-college crowd, who have served as the most visible face of the Occupy Wall…
Economics for Dummies: Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
A little holiday hymn from the true gods and messiahs of the world: the 1%ers. Hallelujah!
Festive Left Friday Blogging: Mike check on Aisle 4!
Here you go, folkies…your iconic image from the craptastic retail event known as Black Friday (also known, by those in the know, as Buy Nothing Day): This young woman got…
Aloha, APEC. Love, the 99%.
Hawaiian singer Makana actually slipped this one below the radar on the 1%er leaders yesterday. Here’s the story: Honolulu – A change in the programmed entertainment at last night’s Asia-Pacific…
Quotable: Dwight D. Eisenhower on the social safety net
Man, that Ike. What a commie-pinko socialist. How the hell did he ever become a Republican? (And speaking of which: Why is that party not deader than the friggin’ dodo…
Why Iceland isn’t in the news nowadays
Michael Hudson has some hints: More at The Real News Basically, it has a lot to do with fucking those who have fucked you, and using a splintery broomstick to…
Quotable: Adam Smith on progressive taxation
Man, that Adam Smith. Some “Father of Capitalism” this commie-pinko socialist wealth redistributor is turning out to be, eh?
Heroes for Today: Alan Grayson
Don’t you love how, in just a minute and a half, he shuts up a whole table full of rightards with nothing but the facts? (And yeah, how about that…
Short ‘n’ Stubby: Ms. Manx occupies Wall Street
It’s one of those drizzly, autumnal days around here. Usually, just the kind of weather that would send a kitty indoors, to curl up on her humans’ laps, with her…
Heroes for Today: Talking back to the 1%ers
You heard the lady. Pay it forward, you tax-dodging billionaires.