Rush Limbaugh: Human or DNA Experiment?
Who knows? Whatever his DNA composition might be, around here Rush Limbaugh is Swine of the Week in Perpetuity — meaning that when I pronounce someone SOTW, it’s an unfinished…
Who knows? Whatever his DNA composition might be, around here Rush Limbaugh is Swine of the Week in Perpetuity — meaning that when I pronounce someone SOTW, it’s an unfinished…
To Fox News, “slut” + “prostitute” = “Fame-Hungry Activist” Remember Brigette DePape and the sexist, vile treatment she received at the hands of our media and the Conservative party? Welcome…
After Limbaugh called the woman refused at place at Darrell Issa’s birth control table ”slut” and “prostitute”, the media and the progressive blogosphere and even Republican presidential contenders (save Romney…
I’ve made it a rule at LFR to no longer blog about Rush Limbaugh. His modus operandi is to piss off the left. Every time we write about him, we…
#gop #rushlimbaugh #mittromney #ricksantorum Republican contenders for the nomination of their party claim that the spat over contraception has nothing to do with a ‘war on women’, but a battle…
Here is Rush Limbaugh – the foul mouth knucklehead: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Sandra Fluke Georgetown University student is an admirable spokesperson…
Comedian Rush Limbaugh – who is, it seems these days, the virtual leader of the increasingly deranged Republican Party – did the Democrats a huge favour the other day with…
El Rushbo pays tribute to Andrew (‘Stop Raping People!”) Brietbart, the muckraking right-wing activist and provocative web entrepreneur who abruptly died today at the age of 43. Of course, Libmbaugh’s…
marc-morano.jpg If the jury was still out on President Barack Obama's climate policy accolades (a huge "if"), consider the verdict now in, and from a surprising character at that: Marc…
Here’s another utterly dismal attempt at comedy by right-wing partisans, this time from the ultra-conservative folks at Pajamasmedia with a fake newscast presumably intended to resemble The Onion. Minus anything…
“Borrowed in part from the legacy of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, Canadian neo-conservatism owes much of it’s character to the right-wing populist tradition of the West. “Indeed, Canadians became…
You have to hand it to right-wing blowhards like Rush Limbaugh. They are not afraid to come right out and say racist things, PC be damned. After all to Rush…
Rush_Limbaugh.jpg Recently, Rush Limbaugh went on another of his anti-science rants. This one was particularly fascinating, though, because of the things he actually got right—even as he &n...
As you know Sharon Bialek is the latest accuser of Herman Cain for sexual harassment or even sexual assault. Limbaugh pronounces her name as Buy-a lick and makes fun of…
Rush Limbaugh demonstrates, yet again, what an utterly loathsome, hypocritical, morally vacant douchebag he is. No wonder he has such a compelling appeal to countless millions of right-wing “dittoheads”… By…
shutterstock_16017175.smaller.png Donna Bethell recently complained to the Washington Post about an article that mentioned human causation of global warming: It also cited two well-known s...