Some Things Just Can’t Be Fixed
And that would appear to include the political career of Republican Michigan Governor Rick Synder. In an effort to staunch the political bleeding over the fact that the state did…
And that would appear to include the political career of Republican Michigan Governor Rick Synder. In an effort to staunch the political bleeding over the fact that the state did…
No! Wait! Cancel that order!Recommend this Post
The world of U.S. politics is proving to be consistent in its insanity. Watch the following video in which Republican hopeful Ben Carson says, at about the 3:20 mark, what…
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It is to be hoped that no one was near the proboscis of Jason Clemens, Executive Vice President of the right-wing Fraser Institute, when he told this tall tale to…
I am not a lawyer, but I post the following information for those who are, and for those deeply offended by the Harper government’s ongoing attacks on non-profits that dare…
Funny how right-wing non-profits with charitable status can be political whenever they want with no fear of tax audits, whereas those with progressive credentials are singled out repeatedly by the…
At least according to scholar Resa Aslan: Recommend this Post
Of course, right-wing groups like the Fraser Institute never let facts and data get in the way of a rabid ideology: Recommend this Post
A CRA Audit-Free Zone Okay boys and girls. Please resist the impulse to manipulate the Fraser Institute’s data. Really, don’t do it. I mean it. There will be consequences. 😉…
You decide who is right: Recommend this Post
Bob ‘Mad Dog’ Runciman has a solution for those pesky protestors who dare embarrass the Prime Minister. Recommend this Post
Although he likely doesn’t articulate anything that progressive bloggers don’t already know, Star letter-writer Paul Kahnert of Markham neatly and succinctly addresses the real design behind tax cuts for corporations…
You only have to watch the first two minutes of this video to see the unhealthy and evil influence of the Koch brothers. The video also helps demonstrate why I…
Given the severity of this winter season, it was only a matter of time before the usual right-wing blowhards weighed in with their ‘wisdom.’ Led by Donald Trump, they are…
A little something from the conservative lexicon: H/t I don’t like what Stephen Harper is doing to Canada Recommend this Post
Kind of catchy, and makes for a great singalong, don’t you think? They’re melting down the ice caps And raising up the trolls.Putting shutters on the windows And burning all…
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New social movement assembly launches to take on the Harper agenda by Council of Canadians | Jan. 28, 2013: OTTAWA – Community actions are being held in 25 cities across…