Somewhat Late Musings On Election 2015
My internet picks the worst times to stop working. As a result I was without internet for the lead up and aftermath ofelection 2015. But I’m back online and ready…
My internet picks the worst times to stop working. As a result I was without internet for the lead up and aftermath ofelection 2015. But I’m back online and ready…
The Pirate Party recently released its campaign ad. In what is probably a unique strategy in this campaign it attacks noone, ignores superficial fluff, and goes in depth into an…
Not having received an invitation to participate in the Globe Economy Debate (assumably lost in the postal system) thePirate Party of Canada decided to live blog their own answers to…
A common complaint that the electorate has year-after-year is that MPs do not represent them. As party discipline hastightened into a stranglehold it has, in effect, made it impossible for…
Every election people across Canada seek to be elected as independents. Independents face a number of hurdles notshared by their party-nominated cousins. Obviously, they do not benefit from party brand…
Poverty is an ongoing and tragic failure of Canadian governance. It has been an issue for so long that it is suspected themajor parties no longer believe they can truly…
Welcome to the Pirate Party Platform Spotlight where I explain a selected planksfrom the party’s 2015 election platform (since I highly doubt the media will). Ok, letsget this over with.…
Well, the rumours are flying that Prime Minister Harper intendsto ask Governor General David Johnston to dissolve Parliamentthis Sunday. This would begin the longest election campaign inCanadian history. It seems…
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*This is a re-post – the earlier post was put on hold due to a possible duplication issue. The old way of doing politics is increasingly leaving a lot of…