A note on the 2018 Ontario provincial campaign
Dear Parkdale-High Park Members, Volunteers, Donors & Supporters: It has been my great pleasure to work with and get to know you over the past few years. Over the past…
Dear Parkdale-High Park Members, Volunteers, Donors & Supporters: It has been my great pleasure to work with and get to know you over the past few years. Over the past…
Last Wednesday I attended an organizing meeting in the basement of the Parkdale Library for tenants of the Akelius owned buildings in the heart of Parkdale. Akelius is a Swedish…
Updated below (Thursday April 30th, 1:30 pm). Last Wednesday I attended an organizing meeting in the basement of the Parkdale Library for tenants of the Akelius owned buildings in the…
Updated below (Thursday April 30th, 1:30 pm). Last Wednesday I attended an organizing meeting in the basement of the Parkdale Library for tenants of the Akelius owned buildings in the…
Updated (Friday August 14th, 7:30 p.m.) below. Hello all! It’s been a while here at the blog. Apologies. I hope to get back to posting more regularly in the near…
Hello all! It’s been a while here at the blog. Apologies. I hope to get back to posting more regularly in the near future. I wanted to post my speaking…
Updated (Friday August 14th, 7:30 p.m.) below. Hello all! It's been a while here at the blog. Apologies. I hope to get back to posting more regularly in the near…
Obviously some of the onus is on voters to research candidates, platforms, and issues, and to think for themselves about who and what they want to cast their ballot for.…
My long time blogging colleague will apparently be acclaimed in that riding on May 7th for the OLP, and like BigCityLib, I am very pleased to see and hear this.…
My friend Nancy LeBlanc (you may also know her as Impolitical) is running for the Ontario Liberal nomination in Parkdale-High Park, and I think she’s going to beat the NDP’s…
It appears to be the week Liberal political bloggers have decided to make the jump from blogging into running for office. This time, it’s Nancy Leblanc, who has been a…
By Obert Madondo | The Canadian Progressive, Feb. 14, 2013: Showing their burgeoning disdain for accountability, transparency, financial oversight and the independence of federal watchdogs, the Harper Conservatives earlier this…
Parkdale High Park Liberal Debate on PR vs FPTP Part 1 from June Macdonald on Vimeo. For those who are interested, this is the first 20 minutes of our debate…
CLICK TO ENLARGEInfo on location and resolution all above on our great flier designed by Graham Bolton, riding volunteer. The debaters are all quite enthused about the night which has…
When?: Thursday, November 15th, 2012. 7pm – 9pm Where?: Bishop Marrocco-Thomas Merton (1515 Bloor St W, Toronto) Who?: Hosted by the Parkdale–High Park Federal Liberal Riding Association and Fair Vote…
In west end Toronto, on the evening of November 15th, the Parkdale-High Park federal Liberal riding association will be hosting a debate on electoral reform featuring some fine Canadian public…
Click to enlarge. Get your tickets online here. It’s going to be big and much fun, so please come! All are welcome.
Thought I’d just do a quick post here and upload some pictures taken during a literature drop in Parkdale-High Park by a few of we federal Liberals on a balmy…
By the Jurist: But it won’t be so easy to make up for any questions about unsure political footing once a new leader faces a Con government eager to spread…
"Peggy Nash: a Thatcher for the left?"Between this and the Diebel piece, her opponents must be wondering what the heck is going on. Or, who knows, maybe they like it.…