A Picture Is Worth . . . .
Compliments of the ACLU . . . .Recommend this Post at Progressive Bloggers
Compliments of the ACLU . . . .Recommend this Post at Progressive Bloggers
10:00 This will most likely be the last day for live blogging. Work beckons.Click on photos to embiggen. Scroll down for updates.12:00
The right has been having fun with some of the signs and statements of the Occupy crowd. Some have extended their mockery by posting Anti-Occupy Vancouver posters around town. Remember…
12:00 All quiet on the western front. Then I walked over to today's protest of the inquiry into the plight of Aboriginal women. It's a moving experience listening to the…
I hope my someone at Occupy Vancouver with a young family brings this to everyone's attention. BC is suffering, especially Vancouver. It will only get worse under Harper's federal mismanagement…
Occupy Vancouver and Tom Morello? Sheeit. Perfection.When asked if he would try to join the Occupy Vancouver crowds in the street before his concert appearance at the Vogue Theatre Wednesday…
12:00 Attended a moving ceremony/protest over the sham Missing Women’s Commission of Inquiry being held this week over treatment of aboriginal women.585
Funny, Dana doesn't mention that Fox News sponsored the whole Tea Party, with producers cheering on crowds behind the scenes and 24/7 coverage by not just Fox but by Dana's…
Yesterday while I was following the #OccupyVancouver twitter feed, I noticed something strange happening. The hashtag was hijacked by unrelated, idiotic counter arguments to Occupy (not necessarily those belonging to…
Yesterday while I was following the #OccupyVancouver twitter feed, I noticed something strange happening. The hashtag was hijacked by unrelated, idiotic counter arguments to Occupy (not necessarily those belonging to…
11:30 Much quieter today. Tents, cops, meditation, dogs, signs and more signs, media, sun, smiles, music, dancers, a ragtag bliss.Click images to embiggen. Updates below.
Only had about an hour and a half to spare, but the Occupy Vancouver facilitators were able to get thru the first side of the "Consensus Decision Making" flyer, anyway.Lots…
10:30 What a glorious day for a protest! Huge crowd - larger than I anticipated. All ages, not many hippies, mostly smiling folks. Large police presence but mostly jocular types…