nuclear waste

Tuesday Morning Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading. – Brishti Basu reports on the ill effects of WorkSafeBC’s decision to push people back to work while they continue to suffer from…

Friday Morning Links

Assorted content to end your week. – Shiloh Payne reports on new numbers from the World Health Organization showing that COVID-19 is responsible for nearly 15 million excess deaths around…

Wednesday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Jon Henley writes that COVID is surging across Europe as governments and people alike ignore desperate warnings not to let their guard down.…

Sunday Afternoon Links

This and that for your Sunday reading. – Eric Topol charts how vaccines to date have continued to provide essential protection against the Omicron COVID variant, even as people with…

Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week. – Larry Elliott writes that continuing inequality looms as an obstacle to meaningful climate action. But David Love offers a reminder that climate apartheid…

Those who will not hear

Since the Saskatchewan Party tried to push nuclear power when first elected to office, it’s heard from the public about their grave (and justified) concerns. Overall, while there is some…

On buried dangers

There have been a few recent reports dealing with issues surrounding the Northern Village of Pinehouse – including a systematic refusal to answer access to information requests to which continued…

Sunday Morning Links

Assorted content for your Sunday reading. – Lest anybody think the Harper Cons’ combination of dishonesty and secrecy is limited to political payoffs, Blacklock’s reveals (PDF) that they subsidized the…

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