Nortehrn Gateway Joint Review Panel Decision…
…between April and December, 2013. And then, presuming a rubber stamp from the panel, it hits the court system, and becomes a national issue in 2015.
…between April and December, 2013. And then, presuming a rubber stamp from the panel, it hits the court system, and becomes a national issue in 2015.
Former chief of the Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation Terrance Nelson announces his run for national chief of the Assembly of First Nations: So, what is my plan? 1. Support…
Last night I told you how the Harper regime was creating a Royal Canadian Oil Police to make sure that nobody but NOBODY stops their planned pipeline to British Columbia.…
They’re challenging Stephen Harper to come clean. An open letter from four former fisheries ministers, two Tories, two Libs, demands some explanations from the Prince of Darkness about just why…
The nation is split over Thomas Mulcair’s “Dutch Disease” theory, with slightly more disagreeing than agreeing with the NDP leader. Some surprising and not so surprising things in the regional…
It’s happening right now in the Russian Arctic. There’s more shots through the link. Actually, here’s one that reminds me of parts of Ontario. Reverse Line 9, anyone?
Even today, simply mentioning the Trudeau-era “National Energy Programme” or NEP to an Albertan is putting a match to gasoline. Yet, in yesterday’s Edmonton Journal, the argument was made that…
As a former Albertan, I remember Pierre Trudeau and his National Energy Program. Albertans, I gather, still speak of the NEP with great disdain and bitterness. Consider these startling similarities…
Those goddamned self-righteous Tories like nothing better than to preach responsibility except when they get a chance to dodge it themselves. And, when a chance does arise, they’ll use their…
Some weeks ago Conservative senator Mike Duffy dismissed opponents of the Northern Gateway bitumen pipeline as “anti-Canadian.” The more I think about it, he may just have a point. Does…
Are Harper and his ilk just born liars? Can their warped, Born Again brains even recognize truth? Courtesy of The Tyee, the latest Northern Gateway pipeline outrage. It now turns…
“Under the Enbridge proposal, British Columbia would assume almost all the project’s risk, yet would see only a fraction of the benefits,” said Dix in a release. “By any measure,…
For decades we’ve used the Exxon Valdez incident to define oil supertanker disaster. Yet what Harper is planning for coastal BC, south and north, will make the Exxon Valdez disaster…
Ms. Smith’s language may prove attractive to voters, but it means Alberta will likely be pursuing a more aggressive strategy at a time when it most needs the co-operation of…
The Globe: Canada’s most famous environmentalist, David Suzuki, says he left the board of his charitable foundation to avoid being a lightning rod for criticism and government attacks that would…
The Globe has sown confusion in the blogosphere this morning with this story, which begins: Seeking to blunt Conservative attacks, Suzuki quits board of environmental foundation Canada’s most famous environmentalist,…
In a surprise move, Whistler council introduced and passed a motion officially declaring its opposition to the Northern Gateway oil pipeline project on Tuesday (April 3). Note their reasoning: “Any…
…when they write: That said, environmental organizations only have themselves to blame for the crackdown on their activities, as spelled out in last week’s federal budget. By organizing interveners from…
B.C. First Nations are reacting with anger to the government’s decision to retroactively shorten the regulatory review for the Northern Gateway pipeline project in British Columbia. “This incredibly stupid move…
A statement from the ICSC: Canadian federal Budget a step forward on climate change Ottawa, Canada, March 29, 2012: “The International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) congratulates the Government of Canada…