NAFTA Renegotiations

A Farmer’s Lot

I’ll have something to say about the new trade agreement when more details are available. However, I understand that Canada’s farmers will make concessions under the deal. I’m a city…


Yesterday, on his way to what comedian Bill Mahar calls one of his “Nuremberg Hillbillies Rallies,” Donald Trump threatened the “ruination” of Canada. Daniel Dale writes in The Toronto Star:…

In The Long Run

Chrystia Freeland is back in Washington, trying to hammer out a trade deal. That’s no small task, given the fact that — as Bob Woodward’s new book and the recent…

Amigos No More

The days of The Three Amigos Summits, Susan Delacourt writes, are gone: The last one was held in Canada in the summer of 2016. No “Three Amigos” summit has been…

Not His Strong Suites

Lawrence Martin writes that, if sanity prevails, Donald Trump will not impose tariffs on automobiles manufactured in Canada. Recently, there has been a strong chorus in favour of sanity and…

NAFTA On the Rocks

During the past year, NAFTA has been encountering ill winds and rough seas. The ill winds come from the Blow Hard-in-Chief. Peter Clark writes: The Prime Minister has used his…

He Does Not Understand

Before anyone starts to agree with former prime minister Stephen Harper’s conclusion that the Liberals have been “napping on NAFTA,” Tim Harper suggests that they take a look at Stephen…

Could He Be Right?

Sometimes irony is entertaining. Sometimes it hurts. Tom Walkom points to the irony of Donald Trump’s insistence on American content rules as part of NAFTA: Under NAFTA, automobiles manufactured anywhere…

Is NAFTA Dead?

Andrew Coyne’s conservative soul was perturbed by what Chrystia Freeland said yesterday: I said we should be prepared to walk away from the negotiations. I didn’t say we should deliberately…

Who Knows?

NAFTA will be renegotiated. But, Tim Harper writes, the negotiations will not be a disaster: Robert Lighthizer released his 18-page list of priorities for coming NAFTA negotiations, and there was…

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