Turning a Fail into a Win…
Mulcair takes responsibility for failed election campaign in letter to NDP supporters Mulcair wants to remain NDP leader promising not to repeat mistakes of 2015 election By Kristy Kirkup, The…
Mulcair takes responsibility for failed election campaign in letter to NDP supporters Mulcair wants to remain NDP leader promising not to repeat mistakes of 2015 election By Kristy Kirkup, The…
They have tried it provincially in Ontario and then they did it again federally. It does not work. Our New Democratic Party cannot change its spots just at election time.…
One thing that struck home during our extended election campaign was how our mainstream political parties have become deeply invested in neoliberalism. While it has several descriptions, reflective of its…
I’d like to have confidence in the NDP, but they have become a neoliberal party, in full submission to the corporate powers and the neoliberal corporate agenda, despite the fanfare…
This has been the weekend for firming up the opinions and decisions on our federal election in Canada. We are in the last week of a long and exhausting campaign.…
The Hair had the support of the Bloc’s Gilles Duceppe in promoting bigotry the other evening. In the last of the badly arranged debate sessions of the 2015 election, Canadians…
In an earlier post, I sought to explain (not necessarily defend) the Mulcair team’s decision to run balanced budgets as an election campaign tactic to counter being branded by the…
There are many wonderful readers of Babel-on-the-Bay. The other day one of our stalwarts sent an e-mail saying how warming it was to read that the Harper government is toast.…
September 30, 2015 Thomas Mulcair Leader of the Official Opposition Dear Mr Mulcair The Federal NDP has in the past been very helpful in addressing autism on a national level…
September 30, 2015 Thomas Mulcair Leader of the Official Opposition Dear Mr Mulcair The Federal NDP has in the past been very helpful in addressing autism on a national level…
September 30, 2015Thomas Mulcair Leader of the Official OppositionDear Mr MulcairThe Federal NDP has in the past been very helpful in addressing autism on a national level including efforts by…
When you know that you cannot possibly achieve your objective, why try to sell it? Obviously New Democrat Leader Thomas Mulcair is no salesman. A good sales person knows that…
Are Stephen Harper and the Conservatives actually trying to argue that denying a woman citizenship for wearing the niqab is somehow promoting equal rights? It would seem to me that…
Are Stephen Harper and the Conservatives actually trying to argue that denying a woman citizenship for wearing the niqab is somehow promoting equal rights? It would seem to me that…
Are Stephen Harper and the Conservatives actually trying to argue that denying a woman citizenship for wearing the niqab is somehow promoting equal rights? It would seem to me that…
This is a guest blog post from Mario Seccareccia, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa. ——- Since the October 2008 federal election, Canadian politicians have been struggling to come to…
Spin Cycle: Is the NDP’s proposed corporate tax hike a ‘job killer’? Liberals, Conservatives decry NDP plan to raise corporate tax rate to 17% from 15% By Ira Basen, CBC…
Spin Cycle: Is the NDP’s proposed corporate tax hike a ‘job killer’? Liberals, Conservatives decry NDP plan to raise corporate tax rate to 17% from 15% By Ira Basen, CBC…
Exciting news! Green Party leader Elizabeth May has just announced her endorsement of our crowdsourced pro-Internet action plan. So far Ms. May is the first major party leader to do…
Either Tom Mulcair doesn’t know his ass from his elbow or, as some of us suspect, he’s a pandering huckster with a loose tongue who, like Harper, sees riches in…