Longtime NDP MLA Corky Evans On Todays BC NDP
Richard Hub Hughes-Political Blogger The BC Liberals scored a surprise upset and were re-elected as the government of BC on May 14th, 2013 Since that time members, supporters and pundits…
Richard Hub Hughes-Political Blogger The BC Liberals scored a surprise upset and were re-elected as the government of BC on May 14th, 2013 Since that time members, supporters and pundits…
Dr. Michael Giuffre jots down the Alberta Medical Association’s wish list before yesterday’s agreement with the provincial government. Actual AMA negotiators may not appear exactly as illustrated. Below: Alberta Health…
The only thing more predictable than Justin Trudeau’s win in the Liberal leadership race was that it would be followed by Conservative attack ads. For those curious what the sequel…
Every political commentator loves to say “timing is everything in politics”, and every Canadian political commentator loves to say that Bob Rae never had good timing. He had the misfortune…
This and that to start the new year. – Lynn Stuart Parramore discusses the dangers of needless means-testing for basic social benefits: When I spoke to Joseph Stiglitz, he discussed…
Last week, Martha Hall Findlay and Karen McCrimmon declared their candidacies for the Liberal leadership race. This week, George Takach has taken the plunge. I’ve posted one blog interview with…
Shorter Zach Paikin:In order to avoid the fate of the Ignatieff Libs, the NDP should totally abandon any principles and re-run Ignatieff's "we stand for nothing, but at least we're…
Adam Goldenberg has an opinion on strategic campaigning and he is off base in so many ways. Green party leader Elizabeth May has suggested that her party and the NDP…
Adam Goldenberg has an opinion on strategic campaigning and he is off base in so many ways. Green party leader Elizabeth May has suggested that her party and the NDP…
TweetWith the start of Stampede season came the latest round of gossip and predictions about what the future might hold for Calgary MLA and Alberta’s Premier Alison Redford. Earlier this…
Politics ain’t beanbag, people, and it’s not NERF ball either. But Liberal leaders Michael Ignatieff and Stephane Dion both played it that way, so it was easy for Prime Minister…
Tweet You can be forgiven if you missed it. Hundreds of Liberals from across Alberta gathered in Edmonton last weekend for the biennial meeting of the Liberal Party of Canada…
Most New Democrats – probably all New Democrats – genuinely dislike Steven Harper. With good reason, he’s muzzled scientists, bullied unions, abandoned the impoverished, given tax breaks to the largest…
Former federal Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff stands in front of the Reform-o-Con propaganda steamroller moments before it lurched forward. Flattened federal politicians may not be exactly as illustrated. Below: The…
The wheels came off the Progressive Conservative election campaign this week. If you are looking for a definition of “silly season” the first week of Alberta’s 2012 provincial election fits…
Around 1:30 am on May 2, 2011, I returned to Edmonton after a month travelling across the vast continent of Australia. That day also happened to be Election Day in…
The former Liberal leader and professor has a thoughtful article analyzing the situation in Syria with an interesting solution to the problem of Bashar al-Assad’s demonic destruction of his people.…
Okay, okay…Canadians from coast to coast to coast should finally understand by now. There is one, and only one person who is fit to serve as this nation’s Prime Minister.…
Assorted content for your weekend reading. – Thomas Walkom highlights the lesson we should draw from the economic devastation caused by the shutdown of an Electro-Motive plant which was supposed…
Anonymous comments? Dean Del Mastro’s right: there oughtta be a law!
A young member of the Tory Online Rage Machine (TORM) composes a mean Tweet using talking points from Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s office. TORM operatives may not appear exactly as…