Conspiracy Theories, History and Templars, Oh my
Here is an open letter in response to the podcast linked below. It bears relevance to far more than just a single podcast, which you do jot have to listen…
Here is an open letter in response to the podcast linked below. It bears relevance to far more than just a single podcast, which you do jot have to listen…
While I would recommend Boethius, and the Consolation of Philosophy, to all, I would not recommend Stoicism to anyone, for two reasons: 1. It encourages a banishment of feeling and…
With covid-1984, which is a virus that is statistically as dangerous as the common flu, we have taken extreme, draconian, authoritarian measures. In short, we have dangerously and vastly over-reacted,…
Thinking of Chartres Cathedral, I ask myself, what, if anything, have we built in the past eight centuries, that compares to this? The iPad, computers, cell phones, the internet? Are…
Medieval Society – Then and Now
“You’re still fucking peasants as far as I can see.”- John Lennon Great short video, linked below, but the view of medieval peasant life is too one-sided – as is…