Mayor Stupid makes @KeithOlbermann’s list … AGAIN (h/t @OccupyTO)
Must be Halloween or something.I have no words.
Must be Halloween or something.I have no words.
Oh look. Mayor Stupid's gotten some international recognition!Worse than Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck.When? When will this nightmare end?Related posts:So Mayor Stupid takes one in the nads on the waterfront ...Oh,…
I think we’ll remember Marg Delahunty: warrior princess meeting Mayor Fordzilla for a very long time. 1) It really doesn’t matter at the end of the day how much profanity…
Yes, this puffy faced buffoon has been in office for a year now and how does he celebrate? Why, he begins to go into permanent campaign mode, of course! “Three…
So it appears that Mayor Stupid and Brother Dumbfuck underestimated the backlash they'd triggered by fucking around into the waterfront. A big tip of the chapeau to the folks behind…
Despite our almost legendary passivity as a people, one small part of Canada is offering an example of what can happen when citizens shed the mantle of political disengagement that…
That Ubercon wet dream of Stevie Spiteful’s that he went all ga ga giddy over at Mayor Boss Hogg’s hootenanny last summer that was videotaped. Yanno, that video that the…
Although I don't live in Toronto, it has become an object of fascination for me since the election of Mayor Rob and Doug Ford. Within their fiefdom resides a psychology…
Consistently able to 'think outside the box' of the current North American mindset, Rick Salutin, one of my favorite critical thinkers, has a column in today's Star well-worth perusal. Entitled…
Toronto Mayors Rob and Doug Ford and their minions, like so many of the extreme right, tend not to let facts, reason, and data interfere with the purity of their…
Mayor Boss Hogg and his brother sidekick Donut Dougy say that cuts are necessary to things like school crossing guards, school lunch programs to impoverished children, dental programs for children,…
In what can be seen as either an act of hubris (Do as I say or I will unleash Ford Nation during the fall election) or an act of desperation…
Yes, ol’ Giorgio Mammoliti has been really becoming unhinged as of late. McCarthyism is indeed alive and well over at City Hall. A Facebook group that won’t allow ‘commies’, although,…
So a few people – Thor and Nancy for starters – are linking to this piece from the Globe's ideologically reliable urban affairs curmudgeon, who's arguing, not without reason, that…
The other day I wrote a post called Hamilton's Vindication, with a link to a story detailing Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina's invitation to author Margaret Atwood to tour the Central…
Honestly, where do you begin?First, Mayor Stupid's dismissing all the folks who spoke at last month's city hall all-nighter as left-wing, NDP, special-interest types trying to protect their free money.…
Before they crap all over Ontario and Canada. Last week, when my husband and I were in Toronto, we were having lunch at the Hot House. We saw some construction.…
But they won't.The last time Britain saw widespread rioting, in the 1980s, street violence came after a long and failed political struggle against the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher, which…
Perhaps it stems from a sense of inadequacy, a measure of paranoia, or a recognition that when all is said or done, they are just not up to the job,…
Although my right-wing friends seem to have neither an understanding nor an appreciation of irony (I'm lying - I don't have any right-wing friends), more centered people will enjoy The…