Toronto’s Thuggish Mayor
The thuggish mentality of the Ford crew is captured rather nicely here, I think. Recommend this Post
The thuggish mentality of the Ford crew is captured rather nicely here, I think. Recommend this Post
I had a dream last night that Rob Ford and his brother were in my home, and everywhere they sat, the furniture broke. Could it be a metaphor for the…
See Ford bark, see ttc commissioners run. Recommend this Post
The blowt king, aided and abetted by his minions, has gotten his way. Toronto is the poorer for it. Recommend this Post
For those who think Shakespeare has lost his relevance in our time, try out this quotation from Macbeth when you think of Mayor Rob Ford and his abuse of power:…
For those both fascinated and repelled by the abuse of power happening in Toronto, and the obsequious who make possible that abuse, I highly recommend today’s column by Royson James,…
Although I don’t live in Toronto, I am riveted to and outraged by stories of those who abuse their power. As discussed in my previous post, that is precisely what…
Although Canada will likely never see executions for wrong-thinking, the career equivalent of such is very much evident in Toronto, under the benighted ‘leadership’ of Rob Ford and his cabal…
Both, it seems, have a constitutional aversion to being honest with the people they purport to represent. Click here for a story on Harper’s folly (i.e., the F-35 fairy tale…
I have to admit that on most days, I am darkly pessimistic about the efficacy of democracy. With a federal government whose members are but drones of a martinet Prime…
2012 is here! Some think it is going to be the end of the world but I think it will be the beginning of a new world. I predict many…
2012 is here! Some think it is going to be the end of the world but I think it will be the beginning of a new world. I predict many…
The Star’s Christopher Hume has an amusing column on the other (better?) half of that dynamic duo known as the Mayors of Toronto. For those who enjoy their political theatre…
Despite the way it may appear in some of my blog postings, I really take no particular pleasure or delight in pointing out the deficiencies and foibles of most of…
Poor Mayor Boss Hogg, He just can’t take it anymore! He looks like he’s about to go a cryin’ to his big bro, Doughnut Dougy. I mean, just take a…
While the title of this post might strike many as redundant, even I, despite having borne witness to a great deal of asinine behaviour over the years, was surprised to…
Or that might be the easy inference to draw about Mayors Rob and Doug Ford. As reported yesterday, The Toronto Star is filing a complaint with the City of Toronto’s…
Because the ever-petulant Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, backed by his always doting and sycophantic executive, continues to boycott The Toronto Star on all official notices and pronouncements from his office,…
"I'm sorry officer, is my head in the way of your boot?" When midnight rolls around in Toronto, will we see Bill Blair’s finest descend on those Occupiers like they…
It's a big man who can start a national column with an admission that he got it wrong.This little corner's been relatively silent on the whole Occupy thing, but now…