People’s Army or Women’s Army? Men’s Communism and its Dissidents
What Use Is An Empty Weapon? An Amazon theorist once said that “women need a world view.” As I exit the dogmatic so-called “Maoist” movement in the United States and…
What Use Is An Empty Weapon? An Amazon theorist once said that “women need a world view.” As I exit the dogmatic so-called “Maoist” movement in the United States and…
Just as 2022 began, the world received news that delivery worker and organizer Chen Guojiang, known as Mengzhu (??), had been freed after nearly a year in detention. But Mengzhu’s…
The third issue of kites: a journal of communist theory and strategy is available for pre-order now at KERSPLEBEDEB: What is kites? Who produces it? Kenny Lake: kites published…
As the editorial to this new journal explains: In the American and Canadian prison systems, kites are “contraband” correspondence shared among inmates, and between inmates and those on the outside.…
available from The recent book by Aaron Leonard and Conor Gallagher, “A Threat of the First Magnitude”, focuses on the FBI counterinsurgency operation against the Maoist sector of the…
This article examines the challenge of Chinese communism in East Germany in the1960s. It shows how the Sino–Soviet Split and the Chinese Cultural Revolution endangered the public transcripts of East…
In Terry Bisson’s interview with Ken MacLeod in The Human Front (PM Press, 2013), there’s this great answer to Bisson’s question “How come so many UK leftists are Trots?” :…
The following is an essay Kevin “Rashid” Johnson just sent me and asked me to post. -k I recently received an “open letter” purporting to be from the Amazons-August 3rd…
i received a surprise in my mailbox last week, a zine entitled Visions of Fire, this first issue being devoted to Maoism. The editor has assembled some pieces both sympathetic…