L’automne – Year 2!
Amazing how long projects can take when you make them as complicated as possible. Anyway, I walked the Verdun waterfront the last couple of days and here we are again…
Almost Done!
Tomorrow is the last day of autumn which means it is also the last day of L’automne (please drop by and like the page if you haven’t already). One of…
A Symphony of Ice with Beaver Update
It was pretty cold out there today and a huge sheet of ice was breaking up and floating down the river when I got there. You can hear it as…
Beaver Situation Takes A Turn For The Weird
Was down at the river today just trudging through the lower trail when I spotted some chicken wire fences wrapped around some trees. As I had blogged about a problem…
When Nature Gets Creepy
It is cold and there is enough of a wind to blow some of this tall grass around, occasionally flying into your face. Snow has fallen forcing swaths of it…
Beaver Activity on Verdun Waterfront
Well, there usually is. I have been walking the Verdun waterfront almost every day since October 1st and while I have noticed the odd tree that has been chewed, it…