Keith Olbermann: How To Save Sidney Crosby From Donald Trump
I have been very moved by the sight of all those American football players kneeling in silent protest during the playing of their national anthem.And refusing to be intimidated by…
I have been very moved by the sight of all those American football players kneeling in silent protest during the playing of their national anthem.And refusing to be intimidated by…
His denunciation is powerful and passionate. Watch as Keith Olbermann excoriates those who are aiding and abetting Trump’s foul agenda. Recommend this Post
As you can imagine, even some of Donald Trump's closest advisers are said to be deeply worried about his mental state.They say he appears shell shocked. He apparently had no…
We know that Donald Trump is a ghastly beast, one who resembles the porky Napoleon in Orwell's Animal Farm. The one who betrays the other animals, like Trump is betraying…
With every passing day Donald Trump slides deeper and deeper into madness. He can't accept that more people attended Obama's inauguration than attended his, despite the photographic evidence.The thought that…
It would be almost unbelievable, if it wasn't happening in Trumpland where madness has replaced reason.U.S. intelligence officials have informed Donald Trump that Russia meddled in the U.S. election to…
I watched the bloated fascist's victory speech, I heard his pathetic plea for unity.Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division; have to get together.It’s time. I…
That is a question only Bill O’Reilly can answer, but given his veracity-challenged career, I would not his response at face value. The fun begins at about the 2:40 mark…
“Now, one of the most popular TV personalities will not be on the small screen for a very long time, if ever at all. His $50 million contract with Current…
Appearing on Dave Letterman’s show last night, Keith Olbermann talked about being fired by Current TV the other week. “I screwed up really big on this,” he said. “It’s my…
The late great Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously said, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” Unfortunately that concept is totally alien to Fox “News” that…
Must be Halloween or something.I have no words.
Um, I dunno about that. There are worse. Yet Keith Olbermann thinks REF takes the gateau. The U.S. television personality and political pundit mocked Mr. Ford on the “Worst Person…
You knew the US media would not let a momentous occasion like Rob Ford's freakout at Marg Delahunty and 911 dispatchers to go unnoticed. Keith Olbermann is the first US…
Oh look. Mayor Stupid's gotten some international recognition!Worse than Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck.When? When will this nightmare end?Related posts:So Mayor Stupid takes one in the nads on the waterfront ...Oh,…
I got into a little hot water for my recent take on the south. Screw that. I double down on my sentiments.But Olbermann reserved even greater scorn for Brad Drake,…
A trifecta of sexism, ignorance and paranoia today: In fairness to Republican hopeful Herman Cain, at least he had the decency to preface his crackpot theory with the caveat of…
Why is mainstream media ignoring the #OccupyWallStreet protests?
Well, not that much, apparently. At least if sales figures for the latest raft of books penned by Tea Party icons are any indication of that group’s appetite for book…