Must Be A Form Of Tough Love
For a government that frequently and loudly proclaims its veneration of our military, the Harper regime has a strange way of showing the love: Veterans Affairs Canada has returned $1.13…
For a government that frequently and loudly proclaims its veneration of our military, the Harper regime has a strange way of showing the love: Veterans Affairs Canada has returned $1.13…
When I heard the news that Julian Fantino had met with a group of veterans in an apparent effort to rebuild all those bridges he has blown up in the…
Canadian Armed Forces members and veterans were outraged when this man allegedly passed himself off as a Forces member at the scene of a flood in Calgary, Alberta. As you…
I've written many stories about the callous way the Con regime and the military treat our wounded soldiers.But since nothing ever seems to be done about it, and I've seen…
A few weeks ago I told you how veterans are preparing to declare war on the Harper regime, that has treated them so shabbily.And how they are planning to make…
A report just released by Canada’s Veterans ombudsman Guy Parent reveals that half of Canada’s wounded soldiers are not receiving the benefits the government of Canada is obliged to pay…
I don't think I'll ever forget the sight of Julian Fantino running away from the wife of a wounded veteran who just wanted to speak to him.And how Jenifer Migneault…
Given the Harper regime’s new-found zeal for warning all of us about the dangers of marijuana, and, coincidentally, the equally dangerous potential of a Justin Trudeau-led government, perhaps the following…
Well as you know Julian Fantino is the worst Veterans Affairs Minister this country has ever known.An incompetent bully if ever there was one.But now he has a new cause.…
He has betrayed Canadian veterans, he has disrespected them, he has nickel and dimed them to death.There is never enough money to help the wounded, the elderly, and their families,…
It's hard to believe after what the Harper Cons have done to our veterans, that they could treat or betray them even more than they already have.But that's exactly what…
Rick Mercer surely is one of our national treasures: Recommend this Post
Well he wasn't available to answer questions in the House of Commons yesterday, no doubt having decided that discretion ducking and covering was the better part of valour. After having…
I can think of not one positive thing to say about Julian Fantino. Apparently, Toronto Star readers can’t either: Fantino ‘absolutely regrets’ clash with veterans, Jan. 30 There is no…
Assorted content for your Sunday reading. – Zoe Williams interviews George Lakoff about the need for progressive activists and parties to work on changing minds rather than merely pursuing an…
Long thought of as a core constituency of Conservative parties in Canada, veterans have been the target of Conservative cutbacks and slights over the past couple of years. Conservatives are…
I don't think it's possible for Julian Fantino to sink any lower than he did the other day.By treating elderly veterans like children and giving them the bum's rush.But I…
For those of us sickened over the years by the Harper cabal’s hypocrisy of wrapping itself in the flag of patriotic support for ‘our troops’ while essentially abandoning them when…
The other night I wrote about how disgusted I was to see Chris Alexander, the Con Immigration Minister, go after Deb Matthews, the Health Minister of Ontario, like a schoolyard…
Miscellaneous material to start your week. – The Star’s editorial board sees Canada’s woeful job numbers as a signal that it’s time for some economic management in the interests of…