Ezra Levant and the Rebel Cruise From Hell
As we all know, when Ezra Levant isn't spouting hate, he's begging for money.And him and his trusty sidekick Brian Lilley have been known to do or say anything to…
As we all know, when Ezra Levant isn't spouting hate, he's begging for money.And him and his trusty sidekick Brian Lilley have been known to do or say anything to…
I'm glad I'm leaving Canada for a while because I really need to get away from this ghastly political monster.Who is now so desperate, he is turning his depraved Harperland…
As you probably know I have become increasingly concerned about Stephen Harper's mental state.Since he's now at the age when the first Harper to arrive in Canada went off the…
Work has kept me away from my latest long fiction project for a while, and this quote keeps floating around my head. (That, and some kind of growling sound…) Alltop…
Common side effects include heavy breathing, panting, hyperventilation, lack of peripheral vision, excessive screaming, painful hearing and nasal discharge that may look like rice pudding.… The post Lucidiva – Side…
Uh oh. Call the zombie police. VicToews has stumbled out of his crypt and is going after Justin Trudeau. Again. Vic Toews launched yet another Twitter attack against Liberal MP…
The pastry chef, Seaman First Class Henry Bunders, had been given specific orders: “make a cake that is like a nuclear explosion.” He’d been able to recreate the effect of…
I told you last night I've never seen Stephen Harper look so weak and so vulnerable. So wonderfully insane, so beautifully SCARED. Well, that's the photographic evidence, and this is…
That dull roar you hear is the sound of All The Internets laughing uproariously at Rick Santorum’s new, desperately dramatic campaign commercial, “Obamaville”, a glimpse at America’s dystopian future under…