When the invasion begins
We set a simple trap…
We set a simple trap…
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This and that for your Sunday reading.- Geoffrey Deihl warns that this year's U.S. election may represent a point of no return in trying to avoid civilization-shaking climate breakdown (even…
Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading.- Andrew Nikiforuk discusses the immense economic and human cost of COVID-19 denial as another wave surges. And Matthew Frank et al. study how COVID…
Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading.- Anna Betts reports that the fallout from the climate crisis may include threats to blood donations, while Zoe Schlanger writes about the dangers of…
This and that for your Tuesday reading. – Stan Cox writes about the looming eco-collapse – and its connection to a relentless focus on top-heavy “growth” with no regard for…
Assorted content to end your week. – Sigal Samuel discusses the potential to better target investments toward well-being – though it seems odd to criticize measures of health as a…
Miscellaneous material to start your week. – Jia Li et al. study the causal associations between COVID-19 and numerous types of cancer – finding generally that COVID is associated with…
This and that for your Thursday reading. – Evan Xu, Yan Xie and Ziyad Al-Aly study the long-term neurological effects of COVID-19, finding elevated risks of numerous kinds of neurological…
This and that for your Sunday reading. – Jim Stanford laments the likelihood that we’re headed for a self-inflicted recession in the name of an arbitrary inflation target. – Acey…
This and that for your Sunday reading. – The Globe and Mail’s editorial board reminds us of the continued choice between taking reasonable precautions to minimize the damage from continued…
Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Alexander Martin reports on new research showing the cognitive effects of a severe COVID case can be similar to the effect of twenty…
This and that for your Thursday reading. – Cory Neudorf argues that a pandemic is the last time when we can afford to prioritize abstract individual interests over the collective…
Assorted content for your weekend reading. – The Globe and Mail’s editorial board discusses the need to consider whether to lift public health measures with care rather than stubborn anti-social…
News and notes from Canada’s federal election campaign. – Cam Fenton discusses how “strategic” votes for the Libs in the name of climate change figure to be anything but, while…
Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Guy Quenneville reports on the frustration of Cory Neudorf and other Saskatchewan doctors due to the Moe government’s decision to ignore all available…
Assorted content to end your week. – Erika Edwards reports on the increase in the number of children being admitted to hospital due to the spread of the Delta variant.…
Miscellaneous material for your Monday reading. – Jonathan Howard writes that the recognition of higher COVID-19 risks in adults has been used as a means of misleadingly minimizing the risks…
This and that for your Sunday reading. – Ed Yong sets out the three simple rules of COVID-19 at this stage – with the spread of variants among unvaccinated people…