True freedom fighters welcome dissent – Be at peace Pete Seeger
The United States, in fact the entire world lost a great man when Pete Seeger died on January 27th of this year. I was away and missed the news, only…
The United States, in fact the entire world lost a great man when Pete Seeger died on January 27th of this year. I was away and missed the news, only…
The United States, in fact the entire world lost a great man when Pete Seeger died on January 27th of this year. I was away and missed the news, only…
The United States, in fact the entire world lost a great man when Pete Seeger died on January 27th of this year. I was away and missed the news, only…
Lac Megantic, Alberta, North Dakota, New seems we can't go a week these days without a train tragedy happening involving rail cars carrying crude oil. A buddy of mine…
Lac Megantic, Alberta, North Dakota, New Brunswick…it seems we can’t go a week these days without a train tragedy happening involving rail cars carrying crude oil. A buddy of mine…
Lac Megantic, Alberta, North Dakota, New Brunswick…it seems we can’t go a week these days without a train tragedy happening involving rail cars carrying crude oil. A buddy of mine…
There’s a bit of a divide in this Québec household, my wife and I disagree over Québec’s proposed values charter. Given that you’re reading this I’ll assume you know about…
There's a bit of a divide in this Québec household, my wife and I disagree over Québec's proposed values charter. Given that you're reading this I'll assume you know about…
There’s a bit of a divide in this Québec household, my wife and I disagree over Québec’s proposed values charter. Given that you’re reading this I’ll assume you know about…
With the Cardinals now in Conclave, (I thought St. Louis had their spring training in Florida) I figured it would be a good idea to outline the initiatives I will…
With the Cardinals now in Conclave, (I thought St. Louis had their spring training in Florida) I figured it would be a good idea to outline the initiatives I will…
With the Cardinals now in Conclave, (I thought St. Louis had their spring training in Florida) I figured it would be a good idea to outline the initiatives I will…
Bonjour mes chers lecteurs, greetings dear readers. This blog posting comes to you from a Tim Hortons in the north end of Quebec City, one with wifi access. I ordered…
I haven’t written anything on the ‘Idle No More’ movement yet, not because I haven’t been following it, but becaue the issues at stake are incredibly complex and answers are…
It has fallen off the radar of late, our current government’s plan to increase Canada’s prison population by expanding the prison system. Capacity is being increased substantially while laws have…
Seen on Facebook: It wasn’t Lehrer’s fault, aside from not keeping the segments to 15 minutes. The rules were set by the Commission on Presidential Debates and he was (very…
We Canadians are a forgiving lot, we elect governments all the time that back track and flip flop on election promises…then we elect them again. Pierre Trudeau campaigned against wage…
I saw maybe half of Sasha Baron Cohen’s movie ‘ Borat’, I thought it was ignorant and stupid. When his latest movie, `The Dictator’ was released I watched the trailers…
Like everyone who was alive and of a certain age on September 11, 2001 I have vivid memories of that day. I was at my office in downtown Toronto when…
The federal long gun registry is back in the news. Québec has just won an injunction preventing the federal government from destroying the long gun registry, and has given Ottawa…