Harper government

Fun With Stephen

As a Facebook wag described the above, Harper’s caucus room post-election. I have always respected Smokey’s advice. At this critical juncture, Canadians would be foolish to ignore him. Recommend this…

A Record Of Failure

Stephen lacks the requisite skills and temperament to succeed in any position of responsibility; recommend removal at earliest possible date. Stephen’s oil monomania suggests a pathology deeply harmful both to…

Harper Under Seige

Once more, editorial cartoonist Graeme MacKay scores a solid bullseye. As does Corrigan over at The Star: And let’s not forget Star readers: Since the post-2008 Great Recession, Stephen Harper’s…

A Dangerous Change In Law

In his latest abuse of the legislative processes, Harper has slide a particularly slimy bit into the 2015 budget implementation bill: The Harper government moved to retroactively rewrite Canada's access…

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