GOP Primaries


Seeking to dispel accusations of pathological flip-flopping, “Mitt” Romney unveiled plans to use a time machine to kill earlier versions of himself who believed in universal health care and gay…

So Santorum wins…

… two Bible-belt states… and some folks are surprised? Really? On the radio this morning, I hear him say to a crowd after the wins: “The most common thing I…


I guess winning the Georgia primary in tonight’s discount version of “Super Tuesday” may help Newt stay puft for a while longer in the race to be the standard bearer…


Def: The frothy mix of media hype and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of non-binding Republican primary victories. How sad is it that a moronic theocrat like Rick…

Resolute Newt

Rather than staging a pointless concession “rally” after his distant second-place finish in yesterday’s Nevada caucuses, bucking convention, Newt Gringrich opted instead to hold a bizarre 20-minute press conference at…

Blood Money

The SuperPAC supporting (but definitely not co-ordinating with!) Newt Gringrich yesterday released another negative “documentary” attacking Mitt Romney. Called “Blood Money” the film links the former head of Bain Capital…

Damn the Paulbots!

As much as I agree with many of Ron Paul’s principled stances on various issues, I just cannot stand the cult of over-zealous fanatics that support him… Despite all evidence,…

No Heat, No Light

Contrary to expectations and all the advance hype, it was quite a flat, disappointingly ineffective, and weirdly obtuse Republican “debate” hosted by NBC in Florida tonight. That was probably the…

Only in America!

Quite an appropriate theme song by Toby Keith playing at last night’s victory rally in South Carolina… Truly it can be said that “Only in America” could a pompous, selfishly…

Über Mitt!

Mitt Romney gets asked what time it is and responds with a stilted history of watch-making through the ages… Good grief, I didn’t even know there was yet another Republican…

Down & Dirty

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned… This isn’t the first time that Newt’s embittered second wife has emerged in the media to seek revenge for being cheated on…

King of Bain

The complete film by the SuperPAC supporting Newt Gingrich called “When Mitt Romney Came to Town.” It’s quite an artful hatchet job. As expected, the Republican establishment and most of…

Better Know a Flake

Give it up to the good folks in New Hampshire who last month actually staged a serious 2 hour-long C-SPAN forum for “lesser known candidates” running for President of the…

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