Freedom of Religion

That’s A Turnabout

When I first started writing this blog, Michael Coren was a regular target for my ire, especially when he would go off spouting right wing talking points about gay marriage.…

That’s A Turnabout

When I first started writing this blog, Michael Coren was a regular target for my ire, especially when he would go off spouting right wing talking points about gay marriage.…

That’s A Turnabout

When I first started writing this blog, Michael Coren was a regular target for my ire, especially when he would go off spouting right wing talking points about gay marriage.…

Dear SCotUS: You Blew It

When you ruled that Hobby Lobby could implement its ownership’s personal religious beliefs as policy imposed upon the company’s employees, you really opened up the door to a world of…

Sincerity Is Hard In Politics

Apparently, PC Leadership Candidate Ric McIver hasn’t learned that lesson. After getting caught in a firestorm over ribbon cutting the “March For Jesus” event the same weekend that others were…

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