Bill O’Reilly and Gian Gomeshi: A Comparison
Today, Fox News ended its professional affiliation with Bill O’Reilly over various complaints of sexual harassment from his female colleagues. For those of you who do not know this man,…
Today, Fox News ended its professional affiliation with Bill O’Reilly over various complaints of sexual harassment from his female colleagues. For those of you who do not know this man,…
I always wish the hotels were like they are in movies and TV shows, where if you’re in Paris, right outside your window is the Eiffel Tower. In Egypt, the
It’s well worth it to pause for a moment, read this devastating report, think on it, and if if grabs you as it did me, demand to see your MLA…
You gotta give it to Shep Smith.
(originally written Oct 2, 2011. Part of Great Upload of 2013.) I find it amusing that, while many of my fellow Vancouverites are attending places of worship this Sunday morning,…
I had a discussion on Facebook today, with someone who disagreed with socialism, yet supported clearly socialist ideas and policies, as I find so often. A reply by someone to…
I had a discussion on Facebook today, with someone who disagreed with socialism, yet supported clearly socialist ideas and policies, as I find so often. A reply by someone to…
This FOX News correspondent has a message to US women soldiers who fall victim to rape – enough already. And, of course, she kept her job at FOX.
monckton_boardroom.jpg BACK in July last year in a boardroom of a western Australian free-market think tank, the extrovert British climate change sceptic Lord Christopher Monckton was holding court. The topic…
A FOX poll (yes, FOX) reflects what we're all thinking: it's time for corporations to pony up.
For those who didn’t watch the “debate” last night on TV or participate online, TPM provides a one minute highlight reel of instantly forgettable soundbites: Aside from the unremitting craziness…
Good for Baldwin. Bad for Fox. We lose. The reason for the edit is that Fox takes 'phone hacking very seriously' and didn't want to 'make light' of the situation.…
What do FOX News and North Korea have in common? Possibly, quite a bit.Rupert Murdoch's American crown jewel apparently has a very dark underbelly, at least according to Dan Cooper,…
Poor guy. Some “rogue” employees at News of The World decide to hack into some phones, and he’s forced to shutter the 148 year old tabloid (the first newspaper he…