But How Do They Feel About Eating Crow?
I love it when there is even an iota of accountability at Fox. If you would like to read further about this political madness, check out Edward Keenan, who also…
I love it when there is even an iota of accountability at Fox. If you would like to read further about this political madness, check out Edward Keenan, who also…
Surely the end is nigh. In case you have the interest and the stomach, this is what the apologies were all about: Recommend this Post
You know that when Fox News starts howling, someone is doing something right. The reactionary network is issuing dire warnings: Fox News reported on Pope Francis’ upcoming action on climate…
The logic of Fox commentators is, to say the least, difficult for an old fella like me to follow: Recommend this Post
At least Fox thinks so: No word yet on whether a followup report will explore the perils of corporate welfare. Recommend this Post
I’m sure this makes sense to many Americans: Recommend this Post
At least Fox News believes that is true. H/t Media Matters Recommend this Post