"You people"?
Specifically targetting certain (not all) ethnic groups has its risks. But I suppose the idea is that they have commonalities with your social conservative agenda, right? So is referring to…
Specifically targetting certain (not all) ethnic groups has its risks. But I suppose the idea is that they have commonalities with your social conservative agenda, right? So is referring to…
Specifically targetting certain (not all) ethnic groups has its risks. But I suppose the idea is that they have commonalities with your social conservative agenda, right?So is referring to them…
The lastest from Murray Dobbin's blog. I just couldn't have put it any better then Murray, so here is his most recent blog about why we SHOULD be afraid of…
“Do you remember that video by GritGirl about job losses?”“Didn’t Jeff Jedras post a video about all of Harper’s tax increases?”“Anyone have a link to that video comparing Harper to…
“Do you remember that video by GritGirl about job losses?”“Didn’t Jeff Jedras post a video about all of Harper’s tax increases?”“Anyone have a link to that video comparing Harper to…
"Do you remember that video by GritGirl about job losses?""Didn't Jeff Jedras post a video about all of Harper's tax increases?""Anyone have a link to that video comparing Harper to…
Yes, that's right, the cynic in me is back. Now I just want to start out by saying that I am the last person who would ever presume that Canadians…